Elements of a label in Mexico

The elements of a label in Mexico are based on the NOM-050-SCFI-2004, which establishes that all commercial products of the country and even those foreign products that are for sale in the national territory, must comply with a label. with basic commercial information that allows consumers to know what the content, ingredients, instructions for use, warnings and other essential elements are.

Product labels are generally related to the promotion of the product and that this is a factor in making a decision to purchase. 

How are labels classified?

  • Mandatory or non-mandatory, depending on whether or not they must comply with the provisions of the authorities for the protection of the health or economy of consumers.
  • Descriptive, complying with the Official Mexican Standards (NOM).
  • Promotional.
  • Brand
  • Grade and quality classification.

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What information should they include?

  • Ingredients
  • Instructions for use
  • Conservation data
  • Maker
  • Origin
  • Date of Expiry
  • Warnings for use

These elements make up a commercial label under Mexican specifications, even when it is a foreign product, it must be translated and comply with said information for the consumer.  

At Grupo Empresarial CT we review your requirement and offer you a solution that meets your expectations and product needs, since we have attractive materials that will give life to your brand. Contact us if you want us to evaluate your project without obligation!

Leave your label in our hands!

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