Digital Printing Labels

Consumers have access to a wide variety of products to choose the one they prefer. Among the different decision factors, it is very important that a product label is attractive and fully adhered. Why is this important? Consumers take the products, observe them and compare them with others, so a label that is not well adhered or with low quality printing could influence them to leave the product where it was. Labels play an important role in terms of perception and differentiation, especially in the beverage or food sector, so the details do not go unnoticed. 

Digital labels are a highly recommended option for those people who want to start in the market or who want to obtain labels in low consumption volumes. Digital printing technology offers a significant relationship between costs and times, compared to the flexography process, there is no investment in stamping/engraving, so you can obtain significant print runs at an acceptable cost. 

At Grupo Empresarial CT, digital printing is one of the most innovative solutions we have, since we offer label runs with incredible quality, without stops or errors during production. Additionally, we have the flexibility to print different types of designs, making it ideal for low to medium orders.

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Advantages of digital printing:

  • Significant delivery times.
  • Ability to produce short runs.
  • Avoid inversion of suajes and engravings.
  • Cost-time-quality relationship.

Common applications:

  • Food at room temperature
  • Frozen food
  • Drinks
  • Cosmetics


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